Niobium is a high melting point metal, steel gray, atomic weight 92.9064, outer electronic structure 4d5s, melting point 2467 ℃, boiling point 4740 ℃, density (20 ℃) for 8.6g/cm3. Figure 1 for the FeNiobium binary system equilibrium phase diagram. There are two eutectic points and a MgZn2-type Raschmannian phase εNbFe2. The two eutectic points are located in Nb11.6%, 1360 ℃ and Nb about 55%, 1560 ℃. Industrially produced ferro-niobium (FeNb60) has a melting temperature range of 1520-1600°C and a density of about 8.0 g/cm3.