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FeTi powder

Ferrotitanium is an iron alloy composed mainly of titanium and iron. According to the different titanium content, there are three main varieties: FeTi30 (containing Ti25.0% -35.0%, Al<8.5%, Si<5.0%), FeTi40 (containing Ti35.0% -45.0%, Al<9.5%, Si<4.0%), and FeTi70 (containing Ti65% -75%, A10.5% -5%, Si<0.5%). In addition, there are various titanium containing composite alloys such as Ti Si Fe, Ti B Al V, Ti B Al Cr, Ti Al, Ni Ti Al, Ti B Al, Ti Cr Al, etc., used as titanium additives.

Pruduct Features
Product Applications

Ferrotitanium is used as Oxygen scavenger, desulfurizer, degasser and alloying agent in steelmaking. In the steelmaking process, it is added as an alloying element to the steel, which plays a role in refining the grain structure, fixing the gap elements (C, N), and improving the strength of the steel.


FeTi powder

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