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Sponge titanium

Sponge titanium is the raw material for titanium processing materials. Generally, it is a light gray particle with a clean surface and no visible inclusions. It also includes defective sponge titanium blocks, such as burnt sponge titanium blocks, oxidized sponge titanium blocks with obvious dark yellow and bright yellow traces, oxidized and nitrogen rich sponge titanium blocks with dark yellow and bright yellow traces, sponge titanium blocks with obvious chloride residues, and sponge titanium blocks with residues.Divided into five levels based on purity: WHTiO to MHTi4

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Product Applications

Ferrotitanium is used as Oxygen scavenger, desulfurizer, degasser and alloying agent in steelmaking. In the steelmaking process, it is added as an alloying element to the steel, which plays a role in refining the grain structure, fixing the gap elements (C, N), and improving the strength of the steel.


Sponge titanium

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